I started reading "design research" papers and books 12 years ago as a yound PhD student. I have no idea how many papers I've read since, probably in the region of five thousand. I've been taking notes using different tools from napkins to Word and from Evernote to Notepad. Most of my notes are either lost or stored somewhere in a hard disk. Today I decided to start with this new format, hoping that my notes will be available online for anyone to access.
The goal of this blog is to add one reference a day to a paper, article or book in some way related to my own personal and arbitrary research interests. The tags will serve to organise what is likely to grow into a chaotic mess. I may or may not have the time and energy to add a comment or even a complete review (I will be restricted to published material of course), but hopefully these notes will be useful to connect and understand some of the main ideas and open questions in design research.
I will try to do this daily.
Well, 45 days and 10 posts later, seems like the average is more like 0.25 papers a day. I will try to increase my productivity!