Title: On creativity of slime mould
Authors: Andrew Adamatzky, Rachel Armstrong, Jeff Jones & YukioPegio Gunji
Link: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/03081079.2013.776206
Abstract: Slime mould Physarum polycephalum is large single cell with intriguingly smart behaviour. The slime mould shows outstanding abilities to adapt its protoplasmic network to varying environmental conditions. The slime mould can solve tasks of computational geometry, image processing, logics and arithmetics when data are represented by configurations of attractants and repellents. We attempt to map behavioural patterns of lime onto the cognitive control vs. schizotypy spectrum phase space and thus interpret slime mould’s activity in terms of creativity"
My notes: What can I say? The title says it all. Creativity is definitely on the eye of the researcher!