Reference: Beverland MB and Farrelly FJ (2007) What does it mean to be design-led? Design Management Review 18(4).
Notes: An interesting question, unfortunately the paper fails to address it in a meaningful way, or even address the core issues of design-led strategies. The positive aspects include:
1. What does it mean for design to be the "dominant logic" of a company?
2. Good design strategy doesn't mean good design, as obvious from Fisher and Paykel appliances: interesting briefs, awful user interfaces. Refreshing to see in this paper examples that are not the usual Apple, etc.
3. The authors get close to a very important issue but miss it with the Ford Ka case: design-led has key implications mainly outside the design departments, it is about enabling understanding of design in areas such as engineering and marketing.
4. Perhaps their most valuable insight is that design-led does not mean designer-led.