Abstract: Serendipity in organizations has often been perceived as a mysterious occurrence. We approach the process of serendipity via reconsideration of Honda’s entry into the US market using an alternate templates analysis, showing that serendipity can be conceptually interpreted as the synthesis of preparation and openness to novelty, articulated through generative doubt. In this sense, it can be thought of as a dialectical process that thrives through the creative synthesis of the existing and the new. It is a practical accomplishment rather than an organizational form of mystery.
I enjoyed reading this, here's my favourite part: "We asked “how do organizations turn luck into serendipity”, and responded that they do so via the dialectical interplay of preparation, openness, and doubt. Serendipity can thus be defined as unexpected observations framed as opportunities, made actionable by a frame of reference that is kept dynamic via the cultivation of doubt..."