Reference: Watene, K. (2020). Transforming Global Justice Theorizing: Indigenous Philosophies. In Brooks, T. (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Global Justice, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198714354.001.0001
Abstract: Indigenous philosophies are essential to indigenous peoples’ self-determination, and essential to the pursuit and realization of justice for indigenous peoples globally. Given this contention, the absence of indigenous philosophies in mainstream global justice theorizing is problematic for the continued relevance of global justice theorizing today. The aim of this chapter is to think seriously about how to remedy this problem, and to begin to provide some of the solutions for moving forward, focusing particularly on Māori philosophies and Kaupapa Māori theory. More specifically, following a discussion of the importance of indigenous philosophies for global justice, we explore (1) why even the strongest (in intercultural terms) mainstream approach to justice—the capability approach—has so far fallen short, and (2) why indigenous methodologies remain vital to the appropriate articulation and inclusion of indigenous philosophies in justice theorizing. In so doing, the chapter highlights some of the opportunities within, and challenges to, mainstream justice theorizing—and philosophy more generally—for remedying this shortfall.
My notes: Accessible and general discussion that helps inform ways forward to transform design based on indigenous epistemologies. Watene talks specifically about the 'capability approach' but these ideas are easily transferable to design work.
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